Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Auckland Film Festival 2011

One thing I always look forward to over winter is the annual Auckland Film Festival. Over the years I have seen some amazing documentaries and films and too this day there are particular films that I still rave about when ever I get the chance.... top three films to date would have to be:
1. China blue - A doco about a sweatshop in China making jeans for a few cents. Will totally change the way you shop!
2. The garbage warrior - A doco about Oliver Hodge building earthships in Mexico and the Andaman Islands after the tsunami

3. Unmade beds - This one might be my favourite and I'd go see it again in a heart beat if it was ever showing again near me. It's about two immigrants living in a squat in London. Seriously good music and will make you want to head to London by the time its through.

Check out the trailer at